Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare() Fixed

When I used a footer that collects the earliest to the newest year to display from the dated posts, I got the “Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare()” on the bottom of the footer. After Googling the problem, I found the fix for it. It’s not a good way to mask the problem like I

jQuery lightGallery

[lightgallery] Sometimes I want to embed a gallery inside a bootstrap collapsible paragraph, but Fotorama doesn’t work inside bootstrap collapsible shortcodes. I stumbled into this great jQuery lightGallery and I manage to get it to work inside the bootstrap collapsible shortcodes. To extensively use this lightGallery, you do need support from the owner. I just

Set Up My New iPhone 6

Install Maxboost Glass Screen Protector.  Finally, I got my first iPhone ever, iPhone 6. This is how I set up and use my iPhone for the first time. For people who have been using iPhones, it’s normal, but for new iPhone users like me, these thing should be done and used for basic. 1. Set

Night Owl TL-DVR8 IP Camera Surveillance System

[bs] 01/31/2016 Using Night Owl HD App on Mobile Devices. There is no Night Owl lite on iOS any more. 11/27/2013 Our Q-See DVR box seemed to die sometimes in October and the warranty was expired (later it revived by me), it’s been working very well for 19 months. So, I came back to Costco

Shortcodes For Boostrap Collapsible

  [bs] I like to use Bootstrap for my blogs, so I created a few shortcodes for collapsible and link buttons when I need to use them. [mybs data=”1″ title=”this is title1″]1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit,[/mybs] [mybs data=”2″ title=”this is title2″]2. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit,[/mybs] [mybs data=”3″