Update El Capitan 10.11.1 From 10.11

So, the new El Capitan 10.11.1 update came out, I download the update combo and installed it. 2 files that were replaced: AppleHDA.kext and IOUSBHostFamily.kext caused the Patched Sound and USB ports stop working. Just re-install those 2 and everything works as 10.11. I also had to installed new Clover r3292 to prevent instant reboot.

How To Fix fseventsd-uuid File Prevents Mac OS X From Emptying Trash

If you dual boot Windows and Mac OS X, sometimes, you will encounter an error when emptying the trash bin in Mac. The file that cause the problem is fseventsd-uuid from Windows. The only way to fix it is to boot to Windows and run disk repair or chkdsk. When it’s done, boot back to

Operation Couldn’t Be Completed. Undefined Error:0

When I was installing El Capitan 10.11 using Clover USB flash boot, I got the “operation couldn’t be completed. Undefined Error: 0. Quit the installer to restart your computer and try again. The reason is either the corrupted flash drive or missing all the hidden files in the InstallESD.dmg. I re-created the USB installer and