Embed Youtube Iframe VS HTML5 Test

The website loading is critical for users to access with mobile devices, my websites do have many youtube videos embedded. The new way is iframe embed and the expert do recommend NOT to use. I found another way to embed youtube videos without using the iframe and it’s supposed to load faster. The labnol.org shows

Embed Youtube Video Iframe VS HTML5

The website loading is critical for users to access with mobile devices, my websites do have many youtube videos embedded. The new way is iframe embed and the expert do recommend NOT to use. I found another way to embed youtube videos without using the iframe and it’s supposed to load faster. The labnol.org shows

Arctic P253 BT Bluetooth Headphones

Bluetooth headphones these days are so inexpensive, the wired headphones keep being yanked, pulled and broken by the kids, I decided to try bluetooth headphones for them. I read the reviews on Amazon and bought 3 Artic P253BT for the kids and me (free shipping over $35). The headphones are amazing, for $15, they sound

Sabrent USB Hard Drive Dock For Samsung Smart TV

I’ve been using computer as home theater pc, now I use the Sabrient USB hard drive dock for my Samsung smart TV. I can load 600+ mp4 movies on a 2TB. Now I can save electricity and booting up time from PC.  

Update Yosemite 10.10.3 From 10.10.1 On Haswell HD4400

I had the tutorial on update Yosemite 10.10.2 from 10.10.1, the QE/CI suddenly disappeared until I had to patched the 2 graphics kexts. Someone ask me to make the 10.10.3 update because after the update, their systems don’t work. My HP x360 i7-4510u and HD4400 does work after the update using the same patched kexts