How To Install Minecraft Mods On Mac OSX Mavericks 10.9.4

My kids have migrated from Windows to Mac because Minecraft mods are easier to install and config and NOT much hick ups as Windows OS would have.  To understand how the mods work in minecraft: forge is needed, version of forge has to be the same version as the mods, version of the forge can only

How To Delete Old Windows And Program Files Folders

We may have replaced smaller hard drives with bigger ones and installed Windows on them. If we want the data on the old drives but don’t want to format them to get rid of all the Windows and Program Files folders, normally, we can’t delete these folders due to permission.  There is a very easy

How To Set Up Java Programming On Windows

So I want to write java programs on Windows, besides writing codes, I have to be able to compile and test the programs, there are a few steps that need to be done before I could really do it without errors. I needed Java SE Development Kit JDK 8, download and install. I use notepadd++

Sprore Game Black Screen When Load Fix On Mavericks 10.9.4

The Mavericks OS 10.9.4 on Sandy Bridge HD3000 with resolution 1600×900 failed to load Spore game – the screen stuck at black with a cursor only. It doesn’t happen with Ivy Bridge HD4000. The way to fix this is to change the “fbobackbuffer” from “0” to “1” in the config file. To access the config