How To Install Minecraft and Resource Packs on Mac OSX Mavericks 10.9.4

2014-09-05 How to install Minecraft mods… Since my kids can’t seem to install texture resource packs to their Minecraft games on Windows, the documentation wasn’t clear, and we all have Mac OSX Mavericks installed on our laptops, I decided to load Minecraft on Mavericks 10.9.4 and it came out great, and so easy. Now my

Dual Boot UEFI Windows 8.1 and Mavericks 10.9.4 Using Clover Bootloader

Make sure to run chameleon boot loader with NVRAM option to get the SystemId – then put it in the Clover config.plist for the iMessage and FaceTime to work. If not, you will get the “Validation code error”.        Dual boot installation on HP Envy 4-1115dx touchsmart ultrabook       I installed a dual

Create Mavericks 10.9.2 USB Boot and Installer With Windows 8 (No Mac)

2015-11-01 How to create El Capitan 10.11 USB installer Windows No Mac. Kernels_10.11, Kernels_10.11.1, config.plist sample, HFSPlus.efi, NTFS.efi. 09/20/2015 New way to create Yosemite 10.10.5 USB installer here. El Capitan 10.11 12/22/2014 A new version of tutorial is here – Now we only need 1 8GB USB flash drive instead of 3. But we need the download

Q7 Android 4.2 Smart TV Box Player RK3188T

The older and smaller version is here. After I got my Samsung Smart TV and I really like to have my older LCD TV to have wifi also instead of using PC to stream Netflix and hard drive movies. I found this Q7 Android 4.2 Smart TV Box Player RK32188T for $61 shipped and it

Netflix Doesn’t Load On Samsung Smart TV

Our new Samsung UN46EH5300F stopped loading Netflix last night after some updates on the smart hub. We went to internet and chat with a service adviser, he seemed to know the problem right away, very helpful and efficient. The symptom is everything on the smart hub would work – the wifi is proven working – Netflix when