John Dyer HTML5 Player

These days with many browsers across the boards, HTML5 seems to get along with all of them. Flash player may not work in some devices. I found this John Dyer HTML5 player that can play very well on WordPress. It’s simple to use and it does work well as core, but if you don’t have

Optimize Websites For Speed And CPU Usages

After setting up blog(s) on server, create themes, write posts, get traffic, then we need to optimize the websites to be fast and efficient. There are 2 webtools to check the speed of our pages.       1. Move all JavaScripts to Footer instead on placing them on the <head> sections. We want to

Windows 8.1 Files System Is Different From Windows 7


If I run dual boot Windows and Mac OS, after using Mac OS, reboot into Windows, sometimes Windows wants to run and fix files system because Mac OS indexed the drive a little differently than Windows. Last time, with Windows 8.0 preview, I never noticed any of these check disk requirement every time I used

Add Excerpts To WordPress Themes

excerpt codes

There are 2 WordPress themes that I like to use, Twenty Ten and Twenty Thirteen for WP 3.6. The Excerpts is only applied to search by default. If we want excerpts to all main page, categories, and archives, we have to add some conditions in “content.php” for Twenty Thirteen and “loop.php” for Twenty Ten. Twenty