Set Up Wireless Network For MFC-685CW

My Aunt got a Brother MFC-685CW since my MFC-665CW wasn’t available, she wanted to print from her laptop, so I set up the wireless network function for her printer. The requirement to set up the printer wireless is a wireless network which provided by a router. First set up wireless network for the router which

Add Excerpts To WordPress Main Page

I like mono-lab themes, but none of them has excerpts built-in to list posts with excerpts on the main blog page. I found some codes that actually will work with any themes that don’t have excerpts functions at all. WordPress has built-in excerpts function, but the theme has to call it out to use. Depends

Category Post List

8-24-12 Category Post List stops working when WordPress Users is activated on WordPress 3.4.1.       Category Post List Plugin [pageview url=”//” height=”400px” title=”Category Post List” border=”yes” scrolling=”yes”] Usage, this is a great plugin to create a page to list all posts in all categories of the blog like this page. ‘[‘jwcatpostlist] remove the ‘

Software For My Mountain Lion

I’m trying to collect as many software title for my Mountain Lion as I can to replace these useful Windows software so I can use both. for Mac is called Pinta. Pinta download – Pinto needs Mono .NET framework to work. VLC player – Since Mountain Lion doesn’t support DVD drive, this is a

Create A Home Button In WordPress

I think it’s a good practice to have a home link button at the end of every page for readers to get back to the main page. Create a graphic button or download the free icon on the net: 1 for main and 1 for hover. If there is only 1 image, just use