Upgrade Lion 10.7.4 To Mountain Lion 10.8 On i5 2500k P8Z68-V

So, with the new Mountain Lion 10.8 came out, if you have all the files and apps loaded on a partition and you don’t want to reformat and wipe out everything when upgrading from Lion  10.7.x, just install ML over the Lion partition, it will back up everything for you – I recommend to use

Set Up Wireless Network For Brother MFC-665CW

2014-10-12 Replaced ink cartridges with after market makers. They do come in all kinds of shapes, but they do fit and work.       2013-01-12 2012-12-11 Windows 8 scan function doesn’t work since it doesn’t have application for Windows 8 yet or may be never, printer driver does work. 2012-07-29 Connect Wireless with Lion

Extra Folder And Its Components

In every Hackintosh partition, there’s always an “Extra” folder in the root of the partition. It’s a good practice to understand how the components inside the Extra folder work so we can customize our own components. In all my Hackintosh PCs, the Extra folder consists of: dsdt.aml, smbios.plist, org.chameleon.Boot.plist (for chameleon version 11xx which is

Create HD MP4 With iMovieHD6

One great app to make High Definition MP4 movies is iMovieHD (ilife 06), the only requirement for HD mode to work is the system must have QE/CI/CL, our MP4 created has really high quality.

Create Music With Garageband

If  we have a Mac, we get to use one of many useful applications,  the Garageband. I always wanted to make my own songs for youtube videos and my family movies, I tried Garageband and it’s so easy to use and has tons of loops.  My First Ensemble