Customize Login Page In WordPress

I wanted to change the login page background with my own blog logo. By searching the user forum, someone did it in a way that even with the new update, the blog logo will always be there, just the background will change. I copied his codes and put in the theme function.php on the first

Jalbum 10.3.1 For Website

July 14, 2012 For flash base full screen display – the best skin for this is Digital Photo Librarian. DPL3 setup 2012-04-14 I stumbled into jplayer and iPads and iPhones can play embedded music because it’s HTML5 and flash together. If you have iPads or iPhones check this out and let me know if it

Use Audacity To Edit And Convert Audio Files To MP3

Audacity App macOS Catalina

Audacity is a great free program to record, edit or convert audio files to MP3 or other formats. In order for Audacity to have full functions, we need FFmpeg Importer and Lame MP3 Encoder, they’re all at the same . To convert audio files straight to MP3, iTunes is the best tool IMO. For editing,

Add Floating Icons On WordPress Blog

I like floating Icons on the side page, move up/down with the scroll, cool. There are tons of tutorial about this, I just wrote this up to remind me how to do mine. Add these lines in our theme style.css. /*side column*/ #return_top a { position:absolute; position:fixed; left:0; bottom:15px; display:block; height:138px; width:38px; background:url(images/return-top.png) no-repeat left

Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers… WordPress

I never noticed any problems with my WordPress blogs until I created one with Member Access plugin activated and used it to redirect reader to a log-in page. Actually at any pages loaded, the warning would show up on the side bar Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at