
Windows PC and Laptops running mac OS

How To Fix Low Backlight Level with BacklightFixup.kext

Catalina Display Backlight Control Panel

Clover boot loader seems NOT to handle Lilu.kext, WhateverGreen.kext and SSDT-PNLF.aml well when it comes to setting the backlight level on Hackintosh while OpenCore boot loader sets the maximum brightness every time. In the case of low backlight with Clover, we can use and its SSDT-PNLF.aml to set the brightness to maximum.

OpenCore Boot Loader for Hackintosh


. has been the best boot loader for Hackintosh, since the macOS Catalina 10.15.4+, there are quite a few bugs with the newer versions, r5089-5098 don’t scan boot volumes. The only versions seem to work are 5107-5115 but still buggy. My HP x360 i7-4510u Haswell HD4400 only works with r5107 or newer while M7-J120dx works with r5078.

How To Fix Kernel Panic (KP) Reboot After Sleep/Wake Catalina 10.15.4 On Haswell HD4600


Catalina 10.15.4 with the supplemental update seems to be the trouble maker for most hackintoshes compared to the 10.15.3. The new Clover boot loader is quite buggy. The Haswell HD4400 and HD4600 have kernel panic reboot after sleep/wake when using AppleAlc.kext (1.4.8) to patch IDT 92HD91Bxx sounds with Lilu.kext 1.4.3. The only way to work

How To Join Apple Ecosystem with Windows Laptops and Desktops

Mac Laptop

The benefit Apple Ecosystem over any other is its server security, the integrated software between Apple devices and family members profiles. We have iPhones, iPads, iPods, Macs and MacWannabe laptops which are in the same system which is great. Instead of buying an Apple hardware MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, I can install Apple macOS onto