
Windows PC and Laptops running mac OS

How To Make A Perfect MacBook Air Wannabe From A Haswell HD4400 Laptop

09/29/2015 How to fix USB 3.0 ports problems after wake Yosemite 10.10.5. Finally, after having extensive help from Rehabman from Tonymacx86.com, I was able to turn my HP X360 i7-4510u HD4400 Laptop to a near perfect MacBook Air Wannabe running Yosemite 10.10.4 and ready for El Capitan 10.11. I will simplify all the steps from Rehabman

Update Mavericks 10.9.3 from 10.9.2

So, Mavericks 10.9.3 just came out and I decided to update the OS although 10.9.2 was doing quite well. Things needed for updating without problems are: AppleACPIPlatform.kext, AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext (need to be patched), Wifi needs to be patched with device id again. So, the best is to have the external USB hard drive with Mavericks installed

How To Fix Chameleon boot0:error and Windows 8.1 /boot/bcd error

If we install Chameleon boot loader into a Mac OSX partition in the same hard drive as the Windows MBR partition, boot0:error will occur. We need to fix the boot sector, and sometimes after the boot sector is fixed, when we boot in Windows partition, /boot/bcd is missing or corrupted and we need to fix

Prepare And Fix Dual-Triple Boot With EasyBCD

2012-08-17 Prepare 2 primary partitions for Triple Boot Windows 8, Mountain Lion and Ubuntu The previous post on Dual Boot Windows and Mac OS X. Triple boot Windows 7, Mac OS X and Ubuntu Hackintosh is using PC (which is Windows OS based) to install Mac OS. Normally, we already have a Windows OS installed