
OpenCore Boot Loader for Hackintosh


. has been the best boot loader for Hackintosh, since the macOS Catalina 10.15.4+, there are quite a few bugs with the newer versions, r5089-5098 don’t scan boot volumes. The only versions seem to work are 5107-5115 but still buggy. My HP x360 i7-4510u Haswell HD4400 only works with r5107 or newer while M7-J120dx works with r5078.

How To Join Apple Ecosystem with Windows Laptops and Desktops

Mac Laptop

The benefit Apple Ecosystem over any other is its server security, the integrated software between Apple devices and family members profiles. We have iPhones, iPads, iPods, Macs and MacWannabe laptops which are in the same system which is great. Instead of buying an Apple hardware MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, I can install Apple macOS onto

How To Build i5 2500k With Asus P8Z68-V LX

June 02, 2012 After some tries on installing Snow Leopard 10.6.8, Lion 10.7.4 and Mountain Lion DP1-Dp3, the board and i5 2500k are totally functional with both HD3000 on board and PCIE GS8400. Snow Leopard 10.6.8 will have full QE/CI/CL with Nvidia GS8400 but NOT HD3000 on board (full resolution though). Lion & Mountain Lion