Magnific Popup
FancyBox3 For WordPress

I like the FancyBox3 swipe features for displaying multiple images. Although it doesn’t take the title as data-caption and the position of the caption can’t be used relative to the bottom of the display image. The is quite simple to use. Since this one only needs jquery 1.9.1 minimum, I could use with imagePreview.
Magnific-Popup is a responsive lightbox. I modified the zoom-gallery.js to idoggallery.js using class=”idoggallery” for easy to remember. For image with no links use “igallery” and title only. Use “title” and “mylink” on href to display caption and create a link… <div class=”idoggallery”> <p style=”text-align: center;”><a class=”preview” title=”macOS Sierra On Windows Laptops” href=”//” mylink=”//”><img class=”alignnone size-thumbnail …