2011 Family Specials

Mom 80th Birthday

November 15, 2011 | 489 views |

We’re glad that we could make it to celebrate mom’s 80th birthday, she looks great and everyone here do look well too, except Audrey has cat’s allergy which made her eyes swelled up a little. We had great Chinese Food and we wish mom happy birthday and many more to come.

mom 80th bd

Wishing mom a great birthday from out of the area

Greetings from OC   Greetings From Natalie

Greetings from Stephane     at the Ellis

at the Ellis     at the Ellis

at the Ellis     at the Ellis

at the Ellis    at the Ellis

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  1. I am very proud of our big family .
    Once again, I wish my sister Happy Birthday and a Great Year to come .

    Love you all,
    Tammy Le

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