President Weekend In Reno 2011

February 22, 2011 | 333 views |

Snow storms came again on President weekend and we had to hit the slopes for the kids to practice skiing. We bought some new gears for the kids, skis, boots and helmets. The skis were new and slippery caused Audie to fail a few times, she went much faster than the rental ones last time. It took almost 9 hours to drive 244 miles from Fremont to Reno. It was blizzard on the summit and accidents did occur along the way. We’re happy we’re there safely and we really loved our Q7. Brandon this time went all the way up to the top of the green slope, he skis extremely well although he only turns slightly. The new snow powder on Sat makes it hard to ski and control sometimes, the kids fell a few times but Sunday was great. We had a great time. We stayed at the Eldorado this time.

Hopefully we can go one more time before the ski season is totally over.

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