8-12-2012 I’ve tried every way described on the Internetand I still couldn’t get the Desktop and Screensavers panes to load, I don’t know what’s in the Mountain Lion, I know many icons no longer available on the launch bar. It looks like I have to back up my data, apps and reformat the darn drive.
So, if you jump the gun and installed or upgraded your Lion to Mountain Lion and found out that you don’t like it so much and you want your pretty Lion back without reformatting the drive with all your apps and data. I haven’t finished doing the downgrade on my i5 P8Z68 board yet. Yes, everything is there with the new Lion 10.7.4 using myHack Lion installer. The problem I have right now is I can’t access to the “desktop and screensaver panes” to change the desktop display and power saving management. Everything else work as it was in Mountain Lion, except some icons were missing because Lion doesn’t have the apps for them.
Yes, it’s not that hard but not that simple.
1. You will have to fix the password because Lion will boot with the user account but wiped out the password. That wasn’t very easy because most of the ways on the internet were missing a key. Luckily I found the key on one of the post some where on the internet.
2. Ethernet works as it was in Mountain Lion.
3. VoodooHDA 2.7.3 needs to be reinstalled and if you don’t have the patched dsdt.aml, you have to remove the AppleHDA.kext again.
When I fixed the desktop and screen saver panes, I’ll have full tutorial.
- Mountain Lion DP3 On P8Z68-V LX i5 2500K
- Fix Windows Boot After Restore Lion 10.7.4 Partition To Hard Drive
- Triple Boot Windows 7-Lion 10.7.4-Ubuntu 12.0.4 On i5 2500K Asus P8Z68-V LX System
- Install Lion 10.7.3 With USB MyHack 3.1 Lion Installer On Lenovo G770 i5 Sandy Bridge
- Mountain Lion 10.8 On i5 2500k GA-H61MS2H