Fix Screen Artifacts By Editing DSDT On Sandy Bridge Laptop

To fix the screen tearing, white lines, artifacts appearing on the screen after monitor sleep wakes, we need to edit the dsdt on our Lenovo G770 Sandy Bridge HD3000 Laptop.


  • Hey DogMonkey…

    Your instructions work very well for my acer s3 under SL 10.6.8. I have 98% working machine. Only wifi does not work but i addressed it with a usb wifi dongle
    However, for Lion 10.7.2 your dsdt.aml boots fine but shows 4 screens on my laptop..haha
    I did not use the DP4 kexts… just normal 10.7.2 with chimera 1.4.x. QE/CI is achieved by this bootloader but i get slight screen tearing (without your extra fix or dsdt.aml) ….can you help???


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