How To Patch IDT 111d76e0 AppleHDA With HDMI Sound

2017-07-09 This is the update for patching IDT111d76e0 –

Patch With Dummykext.

Patch with Patched AppleHDA.kext.

My Envy 4-1117nr and 1115dx have IDT 111d76e0 sound cards. To get this to work with auto detect headphones and HDMI, I need to download the patched file on The file is The default layout is 3, it doesn’t seem to work on my laptop, so I had to change it to Layout12. All my files that work are in here. These files are for HD4000, so make sure to change the clover patch for your graphic card. Follow the video on how to get everything to work.

IDT 111d76e0



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