Lion 10.7.4 works well on our i5 2500k Asus P8Z68-V LX motherboard. Now we try the New and may NOT be improved Mountain Lion 10.8 DP3 (we tried the DP1, works well but not the DP3). Anyhow, myHack 3.1 is my friend for installing this Mountain Lion 10.8 DP3. I’m sure by now, we should be familiar with how to create a myHack USB flash drive installer, the best thing about this installer is it can install to MBR partition, which means dual boot windows partition is possible. This tutorial is to install to an MBR second partition of a windows 7 hard drive. We need a Mac OS to create this installer.
Create Mountain Lion USB installer with myHack 3.1
Make sure the Windows 7 has a rescue disk and EasyBCD is configured to dual boot Windows 7 and Mac OS X. Put the USB ML isntaller in a USB slot and boot from it, hit “F8” to get to bootmenu and select the usb drive to boot, just follow instruction on the screen.
Format the partition (this partition should be created by Windows partition shrink).
Start the installation, with Mountain Lion myHack did give an option to install Extra folder at about 2 minutes before finishing the installation – Watch for it and add Extra ML folder, this is great.
Remove some troublesome kexts
When the installation is done, we can boot straight from the hard drive, since we’re using the PCIE-GS8400, we must add the boot flag PciRoot=0 (if PciRoot=1 set in – For this board the flag PciRoot must be set dependent upon what display we use – PCIE => PciRoot=0, HD3000 => PciRoot=1
Now everything should be working except Sound, we need to update online to the latest version, remove AppleHDA.kext and install VoodooHDA.kext. Nvdia graphics card doesn’t screen capture at all, internal HD3000 will capture well after the latest update.
The DP1 has everything working even Nvdia PCIE card.
Final boot
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