Netflix Doesn’t Load On Samsung Smart TV

Our new Samsung UN46EH5300F stopped loading Netflix last night after some updates on the smart hub. We went to internet and chat with a service adviser, he seemed to know the problem right away, very helpful and efficient. The symptom is everything on the smart hub would work – the wifi is proven working – Netflix when launched will have a black screen with the logo connecting running in the upper right corner forever.

For some reasons, the smart TV will not set the USA country code automatically or erased with the new updates by mistake. We need to set the country code to USA and the smart hub will work with Netflix again.

Smart Hub Button     Country code screen loading

There are 5 buttons that need to press in sequels: fast forward – 2- 8 – 9 – rewind (back ward).

1. Press the smart hub button –

2. Stay close to the screen and point the remote to the screen –

3. Start to press these 5 buttons in sequence – fast forward – 2 – 8 – 9 – rewind (previous) – the screen will load the country codes.

4. Select the country and click next – it will restart in the back ground.

5. Get out of smart hub, play TV, then press the smart hub button again – NETFLIX will start. 


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