Panasonic ZS8 Camera

We’ve been using our first Panasonic FZ28 for many years now for taking and recording the kids and tutorials pictures and videos. We’ve been very happy with Panasonic, the price is affordable and the quality, reliability is great. This Christmas we decided to get a small portable Panasonic ZS8 with 16x optical zoom for traveling, especially on the ski slopes with the kids. There are a few reviews on the internet do favor this camera. Amazon has it on sale for $149 free shipping, we don’t think any other camera is better than this one with the same price range.

Amazon shipped in a few days and we got our camera.

Panasonic ZS8     Panasonic ZS8

battery and charger     battery and charger

battery and sd card slots     battery and sd card slots

To us the pictures don’t come out as clear and sharp as the FZ28 because it’s small. When zoom close-up to 12x +, it’s hard to take a sharp picture without being blurry due to the light weight of the camera. With the heavier FZ28, it’s not a problem. Our main purpose of getting this one is for the HD video camera and it does come out very well.

no flash     noflash

Panasonic ZS8     Panasonic ZS8

Panasonic ZS8     Panasonic ZS8

HD 1280×720 video recorded outdoor

HD 1280×720 video recorded indoor

We believe everyone has his/her own brand that they like, we like Panasonic

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