rss error: WP HTTP Error: couldn’t connect to host

2013-09-03 After upgrading to 3.6 and when the server is slow, the problems happened again out of no where. This time, I’m going to fix it once an for all by using google feed burner. Replace all the internal direct feeds with feed burner ones.

Google Feed Burner

After upgrading WP to 3.3.1 on one of the blogs and not the others, they’re sharing the same database and just the wp_ different, I got the “rss error: WP HTTP Error: couldn’t connect to host” on my rss feed widgets to my other blogs. I thought it was the scripts of the Google ads, but it wasn’t. I updated all blogs sharing the same database to the same WP 3.3.1 (since it upgraded the database), changed the password on the user, changed the password of the database in the WP_CONFIG for every blog and it fixed it.

database problem

No Feed

rss time out


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