Snow Leopard 10.6.8 On Lenovo G770 i5 Sandy Bridge Laptop

2012-08-16 Prepare and fix dual boot for lenovo.

And always use portable drive to install before internal hard drive. For Realtek id 0139 card reader isn’t supported, a USB SD card reader is handy.

May 17, 2012 If you’re not familiar with chameleon, there’s a way to dual boot using windows 7 and EasyBCD on 750GB hard drive here.

2011-12-26 For those who want to boot from WDC 750 GB, I use the original MBR formatting on the hard drive, use Windows 7 to shrink a partition for Snow Leopard 10.6.8. Use an external USB hard drive to load Snow Leopard 10.6.8 or LION first, then restore the partition to the internal hard drive partition. When done, remove the hard drive, connect this hard drive to an external USB, install Chameleon on the 100MB MBR partition, copy the Extra folder to this MBR partition (after Chameleon installation). Make sure we can still boot the drive (in USB connection), then put it back to the LAPTOP, it will boot using Chameleon boot loader.

I’m writing up a tutorial on how I intalled Snow Leopard 10.6.8 with full QE/CI/CL & resolution 1600×900 & Atheros Ethernet/Wifi & sleep working on my Lenovo G770 10372LU laptop model. I need these software to make it work. I think this laptop is the best for Snow Leopard 10.6.8 and Lion at the moment. This Lenovo has the important devices that work/not work with Mac OS X at the moment, please identify your hardware because G770s do come with different devices. Check for Graphicsid, Wifiid, Ethernetid, SDcard readerid. My SDcard id is not supported at the moment. Thanks to many techs savvy on the net like Maldon, Bcc9, I could get these going so well. MAKE SURE TO BACK UP THE IMAGE OF THE HARD DRIVE BEFORE DOING ANYTHING TO THE LAPTOP.

intel HD 3000 x01168086 Ethernet Atheros AR8152/8158

Wifi Atheros AR9285 Realtek SD card reader id



Software and hardware needed.

* iboot-legacy, multibeast, updatehelper

* An external USB hard drive: we will need this one over and over for installation, experimenting snow leopard 10.6.8 and lion then restore it to the internal hard drive after we’re happy with our MAC OS X. DON’T install on the hard drive without knowing if it’s going to work.

* Patched kexts for Ethernet & Wifi & trackpad

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  • Eric,
    You just replace 3 files in the Extra folder, run Kext utility in APPS folder and reboot, or you can copy the whole Exra folder over the old Extra folder, I just post the download for the folder.

  • So, Is it possible install OSx directly to the main Hard Drive and not an external HD. I think this is why my setup does not work. I’m installing it directly to my laptop HD and not an external. Is this possible??

    • Eric,
      You can directly install OSX to the hard drive, are you dual booting? Are you totally delete the Windows 7? If you shrank the windows 7 to make a partition for 10.6.8, then you need to patched MBR installation, if you delete the windows 7, then you have to partition it to GUID for retail 10.6.3 to load. Tell me your set up.

  • So here is my current setup process:

    1. Im using “iBoot Legacy: Boot CD for Unsupported CPUs & GPUs – 10.6.x only” as directed in your page.
    2. I Then install OSx 10.6.3
    2a) I partition the HD to GUID and format as Extended (Journaled) (1 single partion)
    3.Once the install is complete, I reboot with iBoot and select “ERICSHD” to boot to OSx 10.6.3
    4. Using an external HardDrive. I copy all of the files into the desktop under a folder called MAC FILES. (The files in the folder are the “extra” you provided, UpdateHelper, OSX update 10.6.8 and Multibeat )

    5. I then install UpdateHelper and reboot. (following the same process as number3)
    5. At this moment OSX still boots fine. Then I install the update 10.6.8.
    5a) Once the update is complete I run Multibeast with all the options listed above just as your images.
    5b)Once Militbeast is complete, I replace the Extra created on my HD with the one you provide.
    6. I reboot using iBoot then I selected “ERICKSHD” and OSX hangs in the apple logo., If I try to reboot directly from the HD it hangs nothing happens and I get a BOOT error.

    I have also tried running multibeast just with the Audio and Mouse drivers after the OSx updates and rebooted and It hangs on the apple logo.

    So looks like the issue is with in the OSx 10.6.8 update and Multibeast.

    • Hello Eric, I don’t think you did anything wrong, the only problem is that muitibeast doesn’t make the partition as bootable, I create an iso boot disk for both 10.6.8 and Lion, download this one, unzip it and burn to a CD, boot from this CD and at the menu screen select your drive and boot from it, it should come up fine.
      then you have to install boot loader chimera 1.5.3 or multibeast 3.8 again, just select bootloader chimera, after installation, copy my Extra folder over again, run kextutility and it should boot straight from the hard drive, no more iboot.



    • Ok, So your boot CD works great. However, I still can not boot directly from the HD.

      1) So after installing the OSx 10.6.8 update and Multibeast. I reboot with the BOOT cd your provided. I select my drive and OSX 10.6.8. loads fine.

      2a) I then Installed Chemara 1.5.4 ONLY from multibeast 3.8. I copied and replace the Extra folder again and run Kextutility. When I try to reboot from the HD, I get the following Error:


      2b) I also just trying installing chimera 1.5.4 by it self(with out multibeast) and replace the files. When I boot I get the same issue.

      2C) I also just trying installing chimera 1.5.4 with out replacing your files, and I get the same boot error.

      The good thing about all this, is that I can still boot with your CD. I don’t need to reinstall everything again. Also Looks like the wireless, network, video and CPU are all detected just FINE. which is AWESOME MAN. Just need to get the hd boot working and I’m all set.
      Any Ideas?

    • Eric,
      Google for boot0:error, try these and let me know if they work. Please click +1 for our website google search. Thanks.

    • iDog,

      I have not had a chance to try any of the options but I will keep you posted as soon as I get the boot working. Its working nicely, all my friends that have real MACs are so soo Jealous that I payed less then quarter from what they payed.

      I do thank you greatly for all your information.

    • Erick,
      I replaced the hard drive with my external usb hard drive and it boots right away without any problem. You should install multibeast 3.8 select just easybeast then reboot without my boot disk to see if it works. BTW, did you download the new kext I posted that can connect to all security system wpa, wpa2? Use that and you have the almost perfect 10.6.8 for little money. I just did the dual boot macs and windows 7 using Chameleon boot loader. You should try the lion app, it works very nicely.

    • iDog,

      So I finally had a chance to play with installation again(I have been using it with your boot CD all this time). So, I tried using multibeast 3.8 using only easybeast and Nothing. I still had the same error. I also Try to install Chameleon, followed the instructions on the website, as well as the read me doc. The terminal install wen fine, but after the reboot same boot0:error. Not sure what is going on but I think I tried almost everything and no luck. I’m using the latest Kexts and everything is working. You probably need to find better drivers for the sound. The sounds sounds a bit “harsh/ cracking” some times. Like if the speakers came from the dollar store!

      But anyway, The last thing I did was making sure my partition was active using:
      fdisk -e /dev/rdisk0 , but I kept on getting permission denied and I was not able to find a solution around that. My disk0 is the only hard drive I have, so I’m not sure why it would not be a primary partition. That’s the only thing I can think of!

      Any Ideas or solutions will be great.

    • Hello Erick,
      Like I tried to dual boot many times and here is the only way you can get it to dual boot. I believe the Western Digital Hard drive is the cause for all these problem.

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