Snow Leopard 10.6.8 On Lenovo G770 i5 Sandy Bridge Laptop

2012-08-16 Prepare and fix dual boot for lenovo.

And always use portable drive to install before internal hard drive. For Realtek id 0139 card reader isn’t supported, a USB SD card reader is handy.

May 17, 2012 If you’re not familiar with chameleon, there’s a way to dual boot using windows 7 and EasyBCD on 750GB hard drive here.

2011-12-26 For those who want to boot from WDC 750 GB, I use the original MBR formatting on the hard drive, use Windows 7 to shrink a partition for Snow Leopard 10.6.8. Use an external USB hard drive to load Snow Leopard 10.6.8 or LION first, then restore the partition to the internal hard drive partition. When done, remove the hard drive, connect this hard drive to an external USB, install Chameleon on the 100MB MBR partition, copy the Extra folder to this MBR partition (after Chameleon installation). Make sure we can still boot the drive (in USB connection), then put it back to the LAPTOP, it will boot using Chameleon boot loader.

I’m writing up a tutorial on how I intalled Snow Leopard 10.6.8 with full QE/CI/CL & resolution 1600×900 & Atheros Ethernet/Wifi & sleep working on my Lenovo G770 10372LU laptop model. I need these software to make it work. I think this laptop is the best for Snow Leopard 10.6.8 and Lion at the moment. This Lenovo has the important devices that work/not work with Mac OS X at the moment, please identify your hardware because G770s do come with different devices. Check for Graphicsid, Wifiid, Ethernetid, SDcard readerid. My SDcard id is not supported at the moment. Thanks to many techs savvy on the net like Maldon, Bcc9, I could get these going so well. MAKE SURE TO BACK UP THE IMAGE OF THE HARD DRIVE BEFORE DOING ANYTHING TO THE LAPTOP.

intel HD 3000 x01168086 Ethernet Atheros AR8152/8158

Wifi Atheros AR9285 Realtek SD card reader id



Software and hardware needed.

* iboot-legacy, multibeast, updatehelper

* An external USB hard drive: we will need this one over and over for installation, experimenting snow leopard 10.6.8 and lion then restore it to the internal hard drive after we’re happy with our MAC OS X. DON’T install on the hard drive without knowing if it’s going to work.

* Patched kexts for Ethernet & Wifi & trackpad

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  • Something I noticed … I’ve been at this all night 🙂

    You say;

    “Finish with the multibeast installation, it will create an “Extra” folder in “snowubl1068″ partition with all extensions and smbios.plist and generic DSDT.aml.”

    However, never is DSDT.aml and smbios.plist created.
    I have used the ones in the download section but there are so many versions of the extra folder as well as a separate DSDT.aml and a separate smbios.plist and I am not sure which combination I used to make it work.

    Frustrating. Any ideas why ?

    • Hello Noob,
      If you use multibeast installation, it should create an extra folder, I believe dependent upon which options you selected, you don’t see the smbios.plist or DSDT.aml (if you don’t select smbios option for macbook you won’t have it, or if you don’t select have dsdt.aml you won’t have dsdt.aml). Either way, it doesn’t really matter, all you care about is an “extra” folder in the directory. Just download the “extra_fixed”, extracted and copy the whole “extra” (extracted) folder over the current “extra” folder and you’re done. I have 2 “extra” folders : the first one doesn’t have dsdt.aml fixed & for 10.6.8 [idog extra folder] and the one that for both 10.6.8 & lion with dsdt.aml fixed. Try the 10.6.8 first, if it works then just download the dsdt.aml and replace the one in the extra folder to fix the artifacts (for 10.6.8). It’s been a while, sorry for the confusion.


    • Idog,

      Thanks for the reply. I am going through the install again.
      This time I am going to do exactly as you say.

      I am actually up to the MultiBeast install.
      I am not putting any DSDT.aml on the desktop.
      I check only the options shown above.
      Then install.
      Install Success

      The Extra folder created by mutltibeast does not contain

      I copy everything contained in your (the original one) overwriting ALL.

      Run Kext Utility

      All done.

      Reboot without iboot cd in.
      Get apple logo and it is booting
      Awesome I am in with the graphics
      But my keyboard and track pad do not work.
      The new version of MultiMan does not have those 2 options

    • It’s all sorted I installed the ps2kExts and WPA2 kExts… Wow.. This is awesome! Thanks to you, I have a Mac Book Pro!

    • I’m glad you got it… A few nights of work and you have a potent $500 Mac Book Pro… It does feel good, doesn’t it?

  • There is just one last thing. Has anyone been able to get this to boot from the internal drive?

    After getting everything sorted on the USB drive, then wrecking it by installing fan control, ( I actually did this on a real Intel Mac once before), I decided to try to do it on the internal drive. Giving the whole Internal drive to OSX 10.6.8. I followed the same steps that lead me to success on a USB drive and got to the reboot after installing mult-beast extra folder etc etc.
    Upon reboot, I would get boot 0 errors. So, I put in the iboot disk thinking I would just boot it that way. But it would just freeze at the apple logo right after selecting it in iboot.

    I know there is an issue with the 4096kb drives but is it also possible additional extensions need to be loaded in order to install on and boot from the internal SATA drive?

    • Hello,

      Wow, I had no idea it was Christmas Eve. Hope you are having a good Holiday,

      I have done through the install so many times. So far I’ve gone through it 3 times on the USB drive without fail and without looking at the instructions. I followed the same exact steps only this time, installing it to the internal drive with nothing else on it, and it will not load even with the iboot cd. Strange.

    • Oh, I just want to wanted to clarify … when i said 4096k drives.. I meant harddrives with 4k sectors. //

    • It’s not just the drive, it’s the way the bios is talking to the hard drive on Lenovo. I couldn’t even dual boot using the conventional way with easybcd using a different drive, so FORGET about loading it directly to the internal drive. The bios is designed to look at a certain MBR and if it’s not there, you can’t boot from the hard drive. I’ll put in a 500GB seagate today and just load 10.6.8 to see if it can boot internally with internal hard drive..

    • Hi,

      I ended up taking the 160 gig out of the usb enclosure and popped it inside the lenovo. Booted right up. Other people have been having similar issues. It seems to be with hard drive that have 4k sectors instead of the 512..

      Any luck on getting the USB 3.0 port to work? How about the card reader?
      I love this thing now.. i can’t sleep or stop using it.

    • It’s not the Hard drive, I could dual boot from the hard drive using chameleon. The only important thing is that the bios is designed to boot from MBR (master boot record), the original drive is loaded with windows 7 and formatted with 100mb of MBR, I loaded the Chameleon over this 100mb and it booted fine with windows 7 and Lion. The only thing I needed to do was to remove the drive from the laptop, hook it up on the USB, use the chameleon boot loader, install it on the 100mb drive and put it back into the laptop, my wdc 750 is booting with chameleon now.

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