The Best Wifi Modules For Mac OS X

I’ve been using Mac OS X on my PCs and Windows Laptops for a while now, I did experiment with many wifi-BT combos, I would like to list a few that work with Mac OS X El Capitan 10.11.5.

In order for El Capitan Airdrop to work, the Bluetooth must have handoff supported and this Wifi/BT module is supported.

If the module doesn’t work, you may have to tape a certain pins for it to work. 

Mask AW-CE123H Pin 51     AzureWave AW-CE123H Taped pin

BCM94352HMB - AW-CE123H


Clover patch for Handoff and 5Ghz wifi     El Capitan BT4.0 Handoff Support

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