Xbox One Disc Reading Problems

My kids want to play Mortal Kombat X which only exists in Xbox One, so I got them one since they’re doing well in school. The first thing turning it on is the disc reading problem 0x80820002 with original DVD games. There are 2 companies that I try to avoid is Sony BluRay and Microsoft products and this one includes both. Now I have to fix it. BTW, I bought a “lightly used” console because the old Xbox 360 is doing well after a few years and really, the kids don’t use it often either. The Wii game never had any problems, but they don’t let children to play blood and gore games. For those who buy used console with a bundle games, the games are not transferable so don’t count them in the deal. If the games are digital contents, i.e. play via downloads like Destiny, only the base game works, no expansions, so check before you buy.

I’m collecting all the fixes on youtube while I’m trying to fix my Xbox One. When I have a definite fix, I’ll make a video for it.

After trials and errors all possible ways to solve the disc reading problems, the only way to read consistently is to tilt the console up with an angle. It does look like that the disc pulling mechanism doesn’t sit the disc on the platform correctly. The tilt up console helps to pull the disc to the platform correctly just like one of the videos on youtube.

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