Some Food Myths Busted

 I’ve  always believed that picking up dropped food quick enough, the food would not be contaminated, well I’ve been wrong. This article does have some useful food myths busted. Food Myths Busted [pageview url=”//” height=”500px” title=”Food Myths Busted” border=”yes” scrolling=”yes”]

12 Quick Fixes For Household Things

We spend most of our weekends fixing and improving things around the house, and we find this article is very handy. [pageview url=”//” height=”500px” title=”12 quick fixes for your household things” border=”yes” scrolling=”yes”]

Occupy Movements

Who are in the occupy movements and what’s occupy movements, I just heard, they occupy one place, trash it and move to the next so the city has to clean them. Occupy Wall Street Movement We are the 99 percent

Economy On Stimulus

I really like this video, it does show how the stimulus helps the economy.