Manage Your 401k, IRA, ROTH IRA

after hours choices Schwab

Many people work and put money in 401k or IRA or ROTH IRA don’t know what to do with the money saved in there. If you have money in 401k from work, if you don’t manage yourself, they will put in automatically funds that benefit or high management fees for the 401k managers.  401k: we

How To Make 30% Return With Your Savings


Living in Silicon Valley is designed for wealthy people. Middle class has to pay taxes and all the extra costs due to clean air laws for the wealthy to breathe. The only way to keep up with all these costs with fixed salaries, we need to save money and use the money to invest in

Replace Rheem Electric Water Heater With Gas

Rheem gas water heater

The electric bill last year 2023 increased more than $1500 because we’ve changed to Electric Water Heater 4.5kWh in Dec 2022. The bill was $600 in January so we had to replace with a gas water heater to lower our bill. In NorCal, we can only use low nox water heater which costs more than