Ski season is almost over, we decided to have a 1 day ski trip to Dodge Ridge Ski Resort since it’s only 150 miles from our home. We woke up at 6:30AM on a SAT, the kids didn’t like to wake up early on weekends, but for the trip, they had to but after 3 hours drive, they felt tired. We had fun.
Dodge Ridge Ski Resort discount ticket could be bought at Lucky supermarkets and we saved $10 each – $62 for adults and $52 for teens. The one near hour home didn’t have for youth 10+ so we had to buy tickets at the resort. The discount tickets are coupons and not to the lifts tickets, so make sure to have time to exchange the tickets when you get there.
Dodge Ridge parking is far if you have to walk, there’s no shuttles to pick you up, go early and find a close one.
It does have many chair lifts, for advanced skier, lifts 7 & 8 are desirable, we stayed mostly at lift #8 (4 persons chairs), mostly black diamond trails. To get the 7 and 8, we had to use #3, to #7 then #8. you can get to #7 from #5. The trails are well groomed and easy to ski, the day we went a lot of powder, but still good although the kids didn’t like it. Dodge Ridge is great for beginners and intermediate. To us, the parking without shuttles is the problem.