
President Weekend Ski Trip – Diamond Peak

Every ski season, we stayed in Grand Sierra Resort Hotel and ski at the Diamond Peak Ski Resort or Mt.Rose, this year, we skied at the Diamond Peak. We like it although it’s further away from Mt.Rose. We enjoy the views of the lake and the diamond trails are just right, not too hard and

Payne High Efficiency Furnace NO Heat, No Fan But Fan Motor Works FIXED

Our 1979 Payne High Efficiency Furnace stops producing heat, no heat, no fan although the fan works. We thought it was the thermostat and we replaced one, but it wasn’t the problem. We pulled the ignitor and broke it in the process although it might not be the problem. We replaced the flame sensor also

Audie Volleyball Highlights Of 7th Grade At Thornton Junior High

Audie loves to play volleyball in 7th grade at Thornton Junior High. She enjoyed every practice session, every meet during the year. I did coach her a few things, I told her every bad serve is a set back for the team, so make sure you have 100% good serves. Forget the fancy moves, you can

Thornton’s Volleyball Team Lost To Walters Junior High At Home Court

I went to Walters Junior High to watch Thornton Volleyball team played in their home court, Thornton lost due to complaints that the court was so small and the ceiling was low. This time, at Thornton home court, the ceiling is high and the gym is huge and familiar. Like I would say at work, instead