
How To Find-Stop And Fix Hot Water Copper Pipe Pinhole Leaks Under The Slab

The pink house is 37 year old, last month the water and gas bill almost doubled. The bathroom floor is extremely warm, and we could hear the water rushing somewhere under the floor. We called the plumbers, some didn’t even come since it’s under the slab, one came and recommended to re-run the whole pipes

American Revolution Play At Thornton Junior High

Audie is restless, after the Volleyball team was over, she auditioned to be in the school’s American Revolution in 40 minutes or less play, stayed late and rehearsed with the crew, tiring but she enjoyed it. Finally, we got to see it yesterday. The play was quite comedic and enjoyable, not as boring as I

How To Cook VN Pho (Beef Noodle Soup)

If you live in the Bay Area, chances are you would have some Pho (Beef Noodle Soup) sometimes since most VN restaurants offer them. It’s a very popular and tasty VN food. Today, I would like to show you how to make one at home for the whole family to enjoy. If you only have

Dodge Ridge Ski Trip 2017

Ski season is almost over, we decided to have a 1 day ski trip to Dodge Ridge Ski Resort since it’s only 150 miles from our home. We woke up at 6:30AM on a SAT, the kids didn’t like to wake up early on weekends, but for the trip, they had to but after 3