Pink House

Home Solar System With Solar City

2018 kwh

One of the advantages of living in Sunny California is getting paid to be green. Being green and get rewards for it is driving EV and having Solar system installed on your house. There are quite a few solar companies out there, we’re lucky accidentally met Solar City salesperson at Home Depot while shopping and

Costco LED Light Switches With Dimmer

Costco has 2-LED Light Switch with Dimmer for a while, we planned to replace our old 1979 dinning room dimmer for a while now, it’s time to replace it. The process is quite simple, just make sure to turn off the breaker for the switch or work with it very carefully with gloves and stay

Install Arris TM822G Comcast Voice and Internet Modem Self Activation

We’ve been using the rental Modem from Comcast and paying $10 a month for the last 5 years. This year resolution was to buy a modem that works with voice and internet to replace the old one we’ve been renting. I’ve heard so many problems of people trying to replace the rental unit due to

Whole House Fan Installation

house fan

It’s been hot in the last few days, instead of getting an AC, I’m thinking of getting a whole house fan since our area is cool down very quickly after the sunset. There are 2 types of fans, direct drive and belt drive. The belt drive seems to be more work to install but quieter

How To Find-Stop And Fix Hot Water Copper Pipe Pinhole Leaks Under The Slab

The pink house is 37 year old, last month the water and gas bill almost doubled. The bathroom floor is extremely warm, and we could hear the water rushing somewhere under the floor. We called the plumbers, some didn’t even come since it’s under the slab, one came and recommended to re-run the whole pipes