Pink House

Palm Tree Free Removal

We bought a house that has a great big Palm tree which we don’t like. We saw on TV a company that would remove it for free (although some owners say they could sell their Palm trees too), so we contacted the company, it’s in Southern CA, we took the pictures of the tree and

Teamwork in Our Family

Family Working Together

We like to renovate our house when it’s needed and we encourage our children to help – Teamwork in the family. It’s fun and productive.

Replace Old Tub Shower Doors With DreamLine Duet Bypass SHDR-1260588-04

new door

The old shower door in the kids bathroom need to be replaced. It’s the summer and we need to improve our home. We ordered from a DreamLine Duet Bypass Brush Nickel Doors SHDR-1260588-04. We bought our last one from MainFaucet and we like the prices and services. Since the bathroom is old, the drain

Fix Rusted Holes In Iron Bathtub

rusted hole

   11/29/2021 So after 6 years, the original JBweld piece got loose and leaked water through the bottom to the garage ceiling. This time I bought a stainless steel metal plate and cut the ring and the hole to glue it to the tub using JBweld adhesive. We’re going to replace the old shower door,

Composite Deck Retrofit

After months of work, we think we know how to build a composite deck now. Our rear decks were rotten and needed an total overhaul last year. We spent almost the whole summer to get it done as we like the back yard to be. We’d worked only on the weekends since we have day