Pink House

Cloud Storage and How To Use Them

These days we seem to have more data on our electronic gadgets and sometimes when we the devices die, we lose all the data with them if we don’t back up our data automatically. People who own Apple products, they have free iCloud to back up some of their device data if they know how

LED Chandeliers

Every year, we budget some money to retrofit something in the house, this year, we replaced our Chandeliers with modern LED bulbs Chandeliers from Lamps Plus. We bought 2 chandeliers from Lamps Plus when they’re on sale with very low price. The quality of the chandeliers is very good. We checked out the bulbs style

Avoid Costly Water Pipes Replacement In Older Houses

It was an accident that we found out replacing Shower Valve fixed the “HOT Scalded Water while taking a shower because of someone flushes the toilet”. Our house is built in 1979, the pipes are getting old I’m sure, with the old shower valve, every time my kids flush the toilet while I’m taking showers,

Master Bathroom Shower Remodel

new shower door

We planned and started our Master Bathroom Shower Tub remodeling in late July 2013 and we didn’t finish all the important stuff until December. We both work and we could only spend the weekends on our renovations. We’re really happy with how it came out. We plan to remove the whole bathtub surrounds and make

LED Lamps with Motion Detection

The garage old spot light with motion detection was broken since we got the house, this year, it got a new one for Christmas. The set was sold in Costco for $40. It has LED and AC electrical system instead of solar or battery which I like. INSTALLATION Again, it’s safe to turn off the