Democrat or Republican President? Does It Really Matter?

Bernie Sanders has already changed America, even if he loses the nomination to Hillary Clinton. Oscar-winner Charles Ferguson explains why. Posted by HuffPost Politics on Friday, March 4, 2016 02/10/2016 New Hampshire Results      National Debts This year is the Presidential Election again, wow that is fast, it’s been 8 years already? It didn’t matter

Buying Apple Products On

I do like Apple products, very high quality and famous for reliability. At this time, I can buy an iPhone 6+ 64GB from Apple for $35/month for 24 months with 0% financing which doesn’t seem much for many people, but it’s for 2 years. The price of their products are pretty steep for me, I

New Year 2016 In Reno

Every year, we celebrate New Year’s eve in Reno because we love skiing, especially this year, there was plenty of snow. Mt. Rose was beautiful, sunny and dry, the price did go up this year. They reorganized the cafeteria so we could get table to eat quickly. We left our bag on the deck and

Hayward Regional Shoreline 4th Grade Field Trip

This year, Brandon 4th grade class went to Hayward Regional Shoreline for its field trip. It was fun and educational just like Audie’s 2 years ago. This year, the tide is much lower than 2 years ago.

Palm Tree Free Removal

We bought a house that has a great big Palm tree which we don’t like. We saw on TV a company that would remove it for free (although some owners say they could sell their Palm trees too), so we contacted the company, it’s in Southern CA, we took the pictures of the tree and