Last Day Of 4Th Grade At Ardenwood Elementary
Audie took the camera to school the last day of her 4th grade. Took the pictures of her teacher and friends…
Audie took the camera to school the last day of her 4th grade. Took the pictures of her teacher and friends…
Since the DotCom bust until now, the Social Media Bubble is becoming (if you believe such a thing), many millionaires and billionaires are created due to stock options and demands for talents, many also envy. These days, listening to the radio to/from work, read news on the internet, people are complaining about MONEY is Unevenly (or Unfairly) distributed (income …
This year, we bought Great Amercia Season Passes for the whole family to enjoy this great amusement park. It’s not too far from our home. We bought online and paid $84 for a Gold Season Pass and didn’t know that Costco sold the same ticket for $72. The only thing that is different is we …
The last field trip for Ardenwood Elementary 4th graders was Cloverleaf Family Bowl in Fremont. This may be the last bowling alley anywhere. It was extremely well organized. The kids got to play 2 games and had pizza and drinks for lunch before heading back to the school. Again, I was volunteered (by my wife) …
On our daughter birthday this year in January, we got her and her brother each a Nintendo 3DS XL from Walmart (best price then). Two weeks ago, my daughter took the Nintendo to Great America and for some reasons, the screen was black (the back light was dead), she’s sad and scared for breaking it …