Mandatory Microchipping For Pets

California is trying to force pets owners to embed microchips in their dogs and cats, starting with Santa Cruz. We don’t have any pets and we don’t plan to since we have no time to take care of them, although the law doesn’t affect us, but we think it’s too much. It does seem like

A Halloween In Ardenwood, Fremont

Every Halloween, there are so many kids come to our home, it’s a great feelings. Regardless on what people say, we love our neighborhood, the kids are cute and the parents are caring. Getting ready for Trick or Treat.                                        

Replace Garbage Disposal

new garbage disposal

There are tons of new garbage disposal out there, the highest power one today is 1 1/4 hp (horse power). I don’t know what my old one was, but it’s small and slow. The new one is longer and noisier due to higher power. There are many claim to be quiet with high horse power

Replace New Kitchen Faucet With Soap Dispenser On Granite

Our Pink house has an old chrome single faucet with pull out nozzle on a granite slab. I like the soap dispenser on the top so I don’t have to open the bottom cabinet  to get the soap bottle, so I got a nice Brush Nickle faucet from Costco for $59. It’s quite nice and

Bunk Bed: Grades

Audie announces happily: Daddy, I got 19/20 on my test today… Daddy doesn’t act surprise at all: Oh, really, what percentage is that? (he pretends to be extremely naive). Audie: That’s an “A” daddy!  Daddy casually asks: Do you know what “A” stands for? Average!!!! Audie screams in disbelief: What daddy? So what’s a “B”,