Play Blackjack To Win More Than Lose

black jack hand

It’s Winter again, and we’re ready for the Sierras where ski resorts are close to Casinos. Every year, we try to go at least 2 or 3 times for skiing and hope the Casinos would pay for the trips. When I was single, I read all the books about how to play Blackjack, how to

Highest Paying Jobs

Before we spend time and money to study or prepare for a career, the best is to know which career makes the most money. Pharmacist – Average salary $112k. Air Traffic Controller – Average salary $114k. Sales Manager – Average salary $116k. Financial Manager – Average salary $120k. Industrial-Organizational Psychologists – Average salary $124k. Computer

Some of The Most Overrated Jobs

There are many jobs in the movies that seem dreamy and we sometimes wish to have them, but in reality, they’re not so glamorous. Psychologist Listen to people’s problems and have median salary of $67k a year. Architect Get to design and build beautiful and efficient properties for median salary of 73k a year. Attorney

Colleges That Bring in the Highest Paychecks

Since many of my nieces and nephews started to attend Universities and all talks about great schools, costs and their futures make me curious about Colleges.  Stanford University (Stanford, Calif. ). Mid-career median salary: $114,000 Starting median salary: $58,200 Student Budget 2012–2013 Academic Year Budget Item $ Per Year Tuition 41,250 Room and Board 12,721

Tire Insurance Hard Sell At Tire Shop

2012-11-24 I received the $100 VISA from American Tire last week, the last time. So, last Friday and Sat, I received a promotion through email from American Tire, my A6 needs tires badly and I’ve been waited for this sale the whole year (trying to be frugal). There are 1 thing I dislike is the