7 Tips To Prevent Bad Breath

I’ve been using Hydrogen Peroxide to brush my teeth and rinse. These will be checked to see if they really work. 7 Fresh Tips to Prevent Bad Breath  

Disneyland CA 2012

So, Audie is 8 and Brando is almost 6 and it’s their first time to Disneyland. I was shocked to see the prices on line. I remembered the last time it was $32-36, it must have been a while then. Brando didn’t make the Indiana Jones ride, it requires 46″ tall and with shoes, he’s

Audie First Star Test

Audie took the first STAR (Standardized Testing And Reporting) at the end of her 2nd grade. She was so excited about the results, she checked the mail every week for the whole summer. The reason is that we would reward her with a build-a-bear if her score is over 90%. Actually, she was so sure

Linguini And Clams

Today’s menu is linguini and clams and mussels from Chef Audie. Everyday, we come home from work, we only have an hour to cook and clean up, the mom tutors the kids on their homework, if have time, we play together or watch a little TV… We seldom miss family dinner, only when daddy has

Live,Work And Die In Silicon Valley

Within the last few years, I’ve seen some of my company’s employees passed away so suddenly due to cancers and stroke. I’m so grateful for the health that I have right now, although tomorrow may be different. I watched the movie Kung Fu Panda with my children often and I found a quote in the