Strengthen your Resume with an IBM Certification

Have you ever been curious about obtaining an IBM certification. In an increasingly competitive job market, an IBM certification can make your resume stand out above others in your field. IT and networking are fields that require both general and advanced knowledge of specific, individual technologies and concepts. Gaining just the right amount of knowledge

Are We Better Now Than 4 Years Ago?

If you have to ask that question, you already failed because the obvious result should speak for itself. More than 4 years ago when President Bush claimed that “there are more Americans who own their own homes than ever before”, I saw so many people would have bad credit when they get foreclosed on their

Basketball Top Recruit Life May Be Over

I think everyone falls in love and be in desperate situation a few times in their lives, but desperate enough to be charged of kidnapping is a little too much. I do feel sorry for Tony, but kidnapping is not a good solution to win the girl over. Well, what do I know about love…

Warning Labels On Cell Phones

Special Interest Hypocrites now want to have cancer warning labels on cell phones, I can see my cell phone bill will go up to feed these labels makers. So, let me get this straight, I’m so ignorant about these things, if people see these warning labels, they will stop buying the new phones and disconnect

8 Reasons You Did Not Get The Job

The economy is slowly getting better, although the unemployment rate is still very high in CA, many companies are looking for people, but can’t fill the positions because of lacking qualified candidates. When we get the interviews, there may be some reasons we didn’t get the job, here are 8 of the main ones.