Car Extended Warranty Regardless Of Mileage Or Inspection?

I had received many phone calls about warranty for my old cars with over 90k miles for a few thousands bucks which would includes everything and without inspecting the cars. Why? Because according to their records, my cars had been well maintained from dealer’s records (which dealers records). Anyhow, there are someone that I know

Internet Scam On Cars

2012-07-05Talk about being naive and totally greedy, it’s me, while I was looking for an A8 in 2004. Most of nice 98 A8 was about $15k, there’s this 2000 from ms. Molda Gunter for $14k and free-shipping. Again, I woke up after a while, here are all the emails between me and a nice lady

Barcelo Maya Palace Deluxe-Cancun-Mexico

Our summer vacation this year is in Riviera Maya, and we stayed in Barceló Maya Palace Deluxe resort. It’s huge and beautiful, we have nothing to complain about besides some mosquitoes and no free wifi ($28 for 5 days is not bad). The restaurants are nice and the foods are great, not bad for Mexico.

10 Best Foods For Our Hair

Another good article to read in spare time for our hair. Sometimes we don’t know what we’re missing. Foods to eat for having nice hair

Refinance With FHA

2010-09-25-We are among many people who got stuck with a higher interest mortgage and can’t do anything about it because we don’t fit the “requirements” for loan modification or normal refinance programs. The banks are totally stupid, greedy and the people in the loan departments should all be without a job, instead of modifying good