Home Remedies that Actually Work

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Remodeled Park In Ardenwood

Although we’re so busy every weekend to fix our home, we still have to save sometimes to play with the kids. The park near home just had a face-lift with all new stuff, the kids wanted to try it out, we took a ride with our bicycles to the new park, they love it, and

Black Angus Restaurant

2013-01-30 We just received the coupon and the price of Weds special went up to $17.99 now. This year everything seems to cost more and our take home pay is already less. This will be a harder year for many of us Silicon Valley people. A few times a month, we go out to dinner

Replace Redwood Fence Panels

Our original fence lasted 34 years, thanks to the storm last winter, we have to replace with a new one. We have great neighbor and we decided to share the cost of replacing it. Instead of hiring people to do it, I did it for both of us. Here is the transformation of our fence.