Anlin Delmar Windows

2013-05-02 The screen door latch broke off – The sound proof is diminishing through time – the latches on windows don’t close so tight like before.      2012-10-03 It’s almost 6 months now, we really love the windows, it’s sound proof, heat proof… The windows slide with ease, even the big glass doors. Custom Exteriors

Social Security Benefits

Yes, we work and we pay taxes and Social Security for the retirement. I found the article about the benefits of Social Security, it’s nice to know. Social Security Insurance was established in 1935 as a financial safety net for older Americans. Eight decades later, all Americans pay into the system, with Social Security the

No Child Left Behind

I a true believer in “US is the best place to live-raise a family”, all human rights are protected, especially with children are well taken care of by law. I always care for children regardless of who they are, color, races, backgrounds. I really support the No Child Left Behind act although I don’t really

2nd Grade Field Trip – Ardenwood Elementary

It’s nice to be volunteered by the spouse to chaperon some students on their school field trip this year. It was all 2nd grade students at Ardenwood Elementary field trip to the Tech Museum in San Jose. We (I and my wife) believe in participating with our children school at least a few times a

Good Morning-Am I Going To Be In Debt-Today?

debt 1. something that is owed or that one is bound to pay to or perform for another: a debt of $50. 2. a liability or obligation to pay or render something: My debt to her for advice is not to be discharged easily. 3. the condition of being under such an obligation: His gambling losses