Phở Gà – Chicken Noodle Soup

When we have family members get a cold, chicken noodle soup is the best way to help the under the weather ones. We like Foster Farm chicken (actually we try to buy anything made in California to help the state economy), they’re plump and juicy in our opinions. It’s depend on which supermarket we buy,

Don’t Wash Chicken Before Cooking It

This may come as a shock to all of you who automatically rinse your poultry just before cooking. It certainly was for me. So what’s the big deal? Cross contamination! Rinsing your chicken is an ideal way to spew nasty pathogens all over your sink and the surrounding area. Rinsing never did get rid of

The Best Cá Kho Tộ In 30 Minutes

Every week day, we only have maximum of 1 hour to cook for dinner, to have a balanced nutrition weekly, one day of a week, we have to have some fish dishes. The family likes Canh chua cá bông lau (sweet and sour fish soup) và cá kho tộ . I always get catfish filets,

Fix Rumbling Toilet Water Pipe And Float

Korky Float

We had our Jacuzzi Perfecta toilet for over 3 years now, the float starts to leak and make whistling sound when water is running. The water valve is old and starts to rumble when the water runs through it when the toilet is flushed. It’s extremely noisy and shaky when the toilet is flushed at

Five Guys Burgers – The Best Burgers Yet

We’ve heard so much about “Five Guys” burgers restaurants and we had to try it today. We went to Five Guys Burgers in Fremont Auto Mall shopping center, next to Chef Cheng restaurant. The cost is higher than all chained burgers joints, but the burgers and fries are the best we’ve tasted. The kids ate