I was testing users with different roles and none of them can get in the profile page to change passwords or edit any posts even they’re “editors”. I thought it was the database problem, but it’s the SEO Intelligent Tag Cloud that caused the problem with users rights. It seems to block everyone except admin from going to dashboard. Deactivate it and everything is fine, users can access the profile page.
This plugin also add a website link at the bottom of the footer area. To remove this addition, I need to edit the plugin php: “/wp-content/plugins/seo-intelligent-tag-cloud/wp_tag_cloud.php” and delete all these at the end
function wtc_footer(){
echo ‘<p style=”text-align: center; font-size:10px”>Powered by <a href=”‘.LINK_ADMIN.'” target=”_blank”>’.POWERED_BY.'</a></p>’; } add_action( ‘wp_footer’, ‘wtc_footer’ );