Every year, Ardenwood Elementary has a picnic at Lake Elizabeth for all 6th graders who’s passing the 2.0 GPA mark. I didn’t chaperone when Audie was in 6th grade, my wife did. This year, I got to participate in the event which I thought it was wonderfully organized. The principle Casey was there which was nice. There were 4 main activities, water, tagging, ring passing and the fun linen bag jumping. The last one was rope pulling. At the end, each student was given an Ardenwood Elementary t-shirt with sharpies for signing on each other which was nice and memorable.

- Turbo Tax Premier 2018
- Christmas and New Year 2018-19
- Audie First Monsta X Concert
- Audie’s Bedroom Makeover
- Ardenwood Elementary 6th Grade Picnic 2018