Homemade El Pollo Loco Flavored Chicken

COVID-19 stops us from dining at El Pollo Loco and take out is not as good as eating there. The chicken legs we had last time was ridiculously small and our kids didn’t have enough to eat, so I decided to cook the chicken ourselves. I followed the recipe on this website and it came out quite close, the kids love the moist and flavorful chicken legs. I’ve made my own Pico De Gallo.

The secret is pineapple juice, lime, white vinegar, white wine, msg, salt, pepper, garlic, oregano, thyme, cooking oil mix. Marinated overnight, thick legs, 20 hours. Flame broiled to get the look. Put in the 425F oven for 30 minutes, paste with the mix over the meat again. Make my own pico de Gallo. Tortillas from Costco, microwave for 30 seconds look at the bottle of  pineapple juice, 1 whole lime, I would squeeze 2 for more lime flavor. 1 tea spoon of msg, 2 tea spoon of salt, 1 clove of garlic chopped, mix them up. I use Costco Italian herb that includes oregano and thyme, sprinkle plenty. Start with 1 tea spoon of vinegar and white wine. Mix them to taste, add more vinegar or wine if needed. Not too sour. You can actually taste the spice just like the restaurant.

Lime squeezed

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