Sometimes, someone pointed out the real problems of people who are heavily in debt and it’s so obvious. The bottom line is that when you’re in debt, you’re the problem, fix yourself instead of making excuses for spending more money and getting more debt.
People with debt problems tend to share a common costly trait: they have unrealistic expectations for how material things will make their life better.
The worst excuse I’ve heard is “we’re in debt to make our children happy” … Our children are normally happy if parents are happy and NOT many Happy parents are totally in heavy debt.
My kids don’t need extravagant stuff because they don’t know them, they’re so “retarded” that they will not release a $1 toy that they like and put down the $20 toy that they don’t care for.
My kids insist on $5 pink or blue top over the $50 colorful designer ones.
We love our kids and we will not try to change them, and when their time to go to college, we may even have money to pay for them.