On Nov 3rd, 2016, Thornton’s 7th Grade Volleyball team went to Centerville Junior High home court and lost. Thornton team could have won the first game if some of the last serves were made since it was 25/23. The second game Thornton had no chance with the second team. This may be the last game of the season. After watching most of these games, I was wondering if the Thornton team has any goals of playing against other school teams? Playing for fun? Team fun play didn’t seem to take place, everyone is trying to hit the ball over the net and NOT many 3 balls plays. Playing to win? The team should be chosen with players who can play well and play as a team, many can’t return a served ball. Spike serves should be forbidden since the spike serving average is less than 50%, the team lost due to bad serves. Hopefully Thornton’s team next year may have some kinds of goals for the team to compete. All other teams seemed to improve their games except Thornton?